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  1. C

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Is this poll pointless? YES YES
  2. C

    Whats with the "crouch walking"?

    And a small penis, but at thirteen he wont be fully developed anyway...
  3. C

    TFC Source!!!

    Feel free to correct me, but didn't Vivendi buy Sierra? (with no input from Valve)
  4. C


    Bunny hopping has been around for a long time, in TFC it enhances the gameplay. The only reason you percieve it as unfair is because you cannot do it. It is just like any other tactic in the game, learn it then use it to your advantage.
  5. C

    HL2DM ranking

    There is one for (Australian) css at All you'd need to do is change the server addresses and it should work for hldm too...
  6. C

    i missed what happened to /me?

    If you want to experience "/me" try IRC, I'm pretty sure that is where it originated.
  7. C

    SDK Update

    The answer is in that FAQ, and it is a simple one too. Just run the game you want to edit once and it will fix everything :)
  8. C

    VAC Coming Soon

    "I was waiting a long time for this! I am so gleeful" Me too :)
  9. C

    High Definition Half Life 2 Question That article should suit you perfectly.
  10. C

    DM Map 'killbox' is retarded - stop the insanity

    Well here's an idea, only join servers that you want to play in... What a host does with his server is his business, not your's.
  11. C

    Steam is now Adware

    It actually is partially adware, but I am happy it is. The content server has the ability to place whatever image they want in that little box, including advertising with links. I however believe that this is a good thing, it provides an incentive for companies to host a content server...
  12. C

    d3_breen_01 doesn't exist

    Ha! You idiot.
  13. C

    Alyx Vance Wallpaper 1280 x 1024

    I think the cutting is meant to get hidden by the start menu. Nice wallpaper.
  14. C

    Limiting/Disabling Weapon "X" HL2DM Server

    And he didn't ask for his signature to be commented on.
  15. C

    how to: gravity gun jump ???

    I always find it funny when I read people defending their intelligence on these forums, or forums in general. I have a 10 inch penis, do you care? You're excused.
  16. C

    HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released

    You could still map for HL2DM without the update, this probably makes it a bit easier, or something.
  17. C

    Physics Sandbox Map

    Once I get to grips with the physics in HL2 the first major thing I create will be a working car engine. Shouldn't be too hard :) the only part that I will have to cheat with is the petrol.
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    Oh god, I laughed so much when I read the tutorial that was placed on the VERC collective site about this. You actually need it? Hint: don't use carving, build it using 18 seperate brushes.
  19. C

    Old news - please delete

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  20. C

    Enough with the Time Travel

    I can't remember exactly where I picked this up from, but don't the teleports used in HL2 work via quantum entanglement? If this were the case, teleportation would be instantanious. Although that does kinda mess up the slow teleportation part of the story line...