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  1. S

    So, the death of a main character (EXTREME spoilers)

    I was more upset about the fact that we didn't get anymore info on the G-man rather than Eli's death. I've become immune to watching important characters die in video games when my heart was ripped out with the Death of Aeris in FF7 that I witnessed as a wee lad. :(
  2. S

    Very disappointed in EP1

    Another gripe of mine is Valve advertised Ep. 1 as being 4-6 hours in length, when in reality anyone with any modicum of FPS experience shouldn't take more than 3-3.5 hours to complete it, tops. HL2 took me a good 10+ hours to go through, as any decent fps should. I dunno, maybe I'm just not...
  3. S

    Not bad at all, but not great.

    I wasn't looking for a completely different experience. Everyone knew it would be about escaping City 17, but it just lacked the excitement that HL2 created. Given the fact that the Citadel was about to explode and City 17 would be annihilated, Valve seemed to do a poor job at creating a sense...
  4. S

    Not bad at all, but not great.

    I just completed Ep.1, and have mixed feelings about the expansion. I loved HL2 and still think it remains the pinnacle of gaming, but I can't help but feel a little let-down by Ep. 1. Not because it was a bad game by any means, but it just didn't excite me as much as HL2 did. The combat was...
  5. S

    Ep. 1 Worth it?

    I'm downloading it right now, and I hope it's worth it. $20 may seem kinda steep for a 3-4 hour game, but $20 is actually pretty low for an expansion. Most expansions are usually around $30. Anyway, considering how awesome HL2 was, and given the fact Valve has poured the last 1.5 years into...
  6. S

    Cs 2.0

    I'm sure gooseman is toiling away on the Source engine formulating CS2. After all, CS is his baby. Valve is probably gonna try and ride CS:Source for a few years, then unveil it's successor along with HL3. You heard it here first.
  7. S

    Paintball anyone?

    It's a blast, but expensive if you don't have your own shit. Just to buy paint so you can play begins to add up. Last time I went we spent like $100 in paint for one day. Fun as hell, tho.
  8. S

    HL2 monsters that freak you out the most.

    Fast zombies were the only monsters that really got to me. Everything else I could pretty much handle. I would always try and wait till they got close and give them a double shotty blast to the face, but they were always upon me so fast. :( The poison headcrabs kinda irritated me, too.
  9. S

    OMG So funny (Fainting Goats)

    The best part is when the guy opens the umbrella towards them, and like a pack of 6 just fall down with their legs straight up in the air.
  10. S

    pictures (>56k)

    Here's me sneaking up on a Combine taking a nap:
  11. S

    Can I run Half Life 2?

    Celerons are garbage processors, so you're probably gonna have a tough time.
  12. S

    Best Voice acting in HL2

    Even the most mediocre voice-acting in HL2 is far superior to any other game out there.
  13. S

    Why I like steam.

    I think I'm one of the few people in the world who never had any major problems with Steam. And I think whether people like it or not, content delivery systems like Steam are the future. I mean, being able to cut out the middle man(the publisher) is a developer's wet dream. It means more money...
  14. S

    About that Dr. Walter Lansing Thing...

    That headcrab was made using the Plush Headcrab Toy Kit.
  15. S

    Lost Coast: Holy Sh*t

    For 170 megs I was expecting a longer video. Oh well. Looks pretty, though.
  16. S

    whats with the stupid ending

    A talking shit? This I must see.
  17. S

    Half-Life 2: Six Months After

    HL2 has forced me to go to my console and play games you can only get on them. Resident Evil 4 is amazing. So is Jade Empire. I tried playing other FPS's and while they provided some entertainment, they just didn't match HL2. It's like when Beethoven wrote the 9th Symphony. No other composer...
  18. S

    Is hl2 really worthy of the game of the year award?

    "This game i ****ing fly up a ramp with a dune buggy POP 2 GUYS WITH THE KICK ASS MAGNUM LAND DO A ROLL GET OUT AND SHOOT TWO MORE AND THEN SHOOT MYSELF."
  19. S

    Adrian Shepard

    Originally I was against bringing Shepard back, but I don't see why Gearbox couldn't resurrect him, seeing as he was put in stasis by the G-Man. They can make it to where he has no affect on the storyline. I liked the idea of playing as him in the 7 hours war. I can see the opening scene...
  20. S

    What's the most climactic moment in Half-Life 2?

    The teleportation sequence in Kleiner's lab that goes awry. The best part was when you teleported into Breen's office. The first time you go in, you startle him at his desk. You zap out and then zap back in, and you see him talking to one of those Combine slugs on the monitor. Breen: "I'm...