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  1. E

    We need more of these contests...

    I'll never look at chopsticks or a fork the same way again!:laugh:
  2. E

    Tier 3

    huh? I don't get it. I clicked the link. What is this?:dork:
  3. E

    Post Your Desktop

  4. E

    How does it run on your rig?

    Runs really smooth on my comp. No stutters or slowdowns.:) Running at 1680x1050 AMD Athlon64 FX-55 on a Abit AT8 32X Board Sapphire ATI 1900XTX 512mb 2 gigs OCZ memory
  5. E

    What do you usually eat?

    I drink coffee every morning..don't eat until lunch time. BLT's are the best. I make them all the time and pizza is another favorite. Dinner could be anything because I will eat anything! Liver and onions? no prob! Anchovies on my pizza? Love them! Fish, beef, chicken, duck, pork,
  6. E

    So Who Here Drinks?

    I can't drink any alcoholic beverages due to the medications I take for my epilepsy. I wish I could have a drink every now and then.
  7. E

    Best captain?

    I agree with Gray Fox. Capt. Janeway Rules!
  8. E

    Christmas already?

    Christmas...Bah Humbug :frown:
  9. E

    Nose bleed

    There are several reasons why this can happen. I used to get them fairly often when I was a kid. Check out this link:
  10. E

    we owe everything to...........THE POTATO!

    We call 'em taters in these parts! :E
  11. E

    Things you did as a child

    I used to hide from my parents a lot. Make them think I wandered off or ran away. I would hear them call for me and get frantic. Of course the old man would beat my butt once they came back but, I still thought it was funny. times.:laugh:
  12. E

    How old are you?

    I was born one month after the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show!:laugh: (uh....that would make me 42)
  13. E

    What's your age?

    I am 41.
  14. E

    What's Your Name?

    My name is Tony. My first name is Francisco. But, I get my nick-name Tony from my middle name Antonio.
  15. E

    Your first geek present?

    Packard Bell 486
  16. E

    What are you wearing

    Blue T-Shirt Gray shorts White Socks All from Wal-Mart :laugh:
  17. E

    Half-Life 2 wont work! Help!
  18. E

    Game won't play since new patch

    I had the same problem. For some reason, on my comp anyway, it had to do with Zone Alarm firewall. I un-installed and I use Sygate firewall now. No problems since.
  19. E

    Best and worst smells

    Best: fresh brewed coffee Worst: The tupperware leftovers you forgot about in the back of your fridge from three months ago.:x
  20. E

    What are some of your most embarrassing fears?

    My most embarrasing fear? Cockroaches! I see one and I start to panic. Here in Florida with the tropical climate they grow to about an inch/inch and a half and they fly! I hate them.