Search results

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    Reactor explosion, survival, and Breen.

    Father Grigori carries the semi-concious Breen to safety. Sorry for the spoiler.
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    Post your favourite HL2.netters.

    *searches thread* *cries softly* P.S. Dog-- is my favorite.
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    The word "uber" being used in mainstream society?

    Not a real word. Über is though. *exits*
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    V for Vendetta! Rant

    I was going to link the blog.. but then I thought how much that would annoy you. Damn concience!
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    What Should Be Jackson's Next?

    I loved the videos to Thriller and Billy Jean, great for his time. However, I think Jackson's musical career is pretty much over by now.
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    Dedicated to OvA Everytime I see this... I just can't... can't... *stands up on table and puts head in noose*
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    What do you look for in teh illusive female?

    Jeez, that's what I always say! You're some sort of psychic!
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    Dedicated to OvA

    *cries* *sniffs* But I'm pregnant with OvA's babies! Do I have to be a single father? *breaks into sobs*
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    Necromonicon - an HP lovecraft game

    Wow, you have so many posts people let you be an elitist! How cool! :rolleyes: Okay, that was kind of jerky, sorry. I have nothing against you. But assumptions like that aren't so good. And I might just be cranky. Anyways, not that I'd find anyone even remotely egalitarian on these...
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    HL2 Palace Video

    That's pretty funny, I like the song with the crazies swingin' around. But I can't help but notice some of the out-jerking was somewhat off-beat, sometimes very much so. I liked the slow motion exposions as well.
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    I'm obsessive compulsive!

    Exactly, then it said thread can not be found, so I thought it ate it.
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    Political Compass

    Economic Left/Right: -5.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33 Ghandi's my pal.
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    I'm obsessive compulsive!

    Ninja edit Either way really. If they're wet, they're sticky, and if they're dry, they're gross.
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    I'm obsessive compulsive!

    I'm a bit odd also. I hate bones that you can feel by touching, especially the bridge of my nose and a part on the top of my foot. I hate when any of my fingers rub against each other, or when my wrists touch a table. I hate when I notice one leg is longer than another, or any other body part...
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    Garridans Tears

    I find that kind of gross, really. It seems like an extension of Japanese weirdos lusting for their furry cats, and needing their women to look the part. Girls are cute, cats are cute, so cat girls are cute, right?:rolleyes: Don't kill me, please.
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    New Amazing Phone!!!

    Come on, it says April fools in bold at the bottom. How obvious do they have to make it?
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    Kreedz Climbing Mod Release

    ! *Downloads*
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    Aww... even mustering up the strength with the name "I'm a mute" was hard... made harder by the fact everyone acknowledged my presence when I joined. Sorry about that. I would sob with you, Raziaar, but I don't know you either. :p Maybe I'll use the Microsoft Sam Voice.
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    I'd love to... but I'm painfully shy around strangers :( .
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    The Illustrated Story of Iso-Town

    I love this! I want to learn more about our characters and less about construction next though.