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  1. C

    First installation ever!

    woo my first upgrade. was about 6 years ago. new video card, went from onboard graphics in my pentium 2 266 to a voodoo 3 3000. great video card. got it right after half life came out and i started wasting my life away playing cs. then i got a new harddrive. upgraded from my 4 gig hard drive to...
  2. C

    help... HELP.. WTF HELP

    ummm mate. that 5200 you have is a peice of shit. i owned and got rid of it as quickly as i possibly could. the thing just plane flat out sux. go get yourself a new card. i bought the 9800 pro. the 5200 will not play hl2 any good. you will have to turn everything off and play it at its most...
  3. C

    this is just......WOW

    the photo is a joke. i was trying to be "serious" about it being real, ya im terrible at the whole sarcarm thing on the internet. hopefully the r420 looks that good though.
  4. C

    this is just......WOW

    shut up fool your going to make people think its a real photo.... look what you made me do
  5. C

    this is just......WOW

    ok i dont know if this has been "spruced" up or whatever, but this is quite possibly the best looking grphx i have seen. this is a screen shot from farcry running on the r420 architecture soon to come out from ati. this almost makes me want to cry...
  6. C

    damnit nvidia.....

    everything said here has been valid. of course your really not going to notice the difference in a few mip map changes, but what the guy said in the article made A LOT of sense. if im going to shell out 400$ for a grphx card i better get the best with no little exceptions that make it better...
  7. C

    damnit nvidia.....

    you know i was a nvidia fanboy even through the times of them destroying all the was voodoo. up until last year i was with them, then the crap about IQ being changed to make their cards look better and faster. out comes the 6800 ultra and i thought and read that it was all cleaned up finally...
  8. C

    NV40... looks like ATi are in trouble

    the whole idea between the bridge between agp and pciexpress is to start the transition. get people working on this and try to make a buck off it while you can. then they will fully transition to native pci express. the 8 x2 is different from the 16x1 architecture from what i understand. the 16...
  9. C

    9800pro owners, question for you..

    ummm halo can do a number on the card at times. kinda weird. i usually just turn off player shadows or specular. the shadows are not that good anyways. specular just makes things look shiny.
  10. C

    FX5200 128DDR how good will run

    5200 is NOT the way to go. terrible card, absolutely horrible. i sold my old one for 40 bucks. sell that thing and buy a 9800 pro. thats what a i did. the 5200 is a complete piece of junk when it comes to dx9 titles. i tried it on halo for a little before i installed my 9800 pro. i had to turn...
  11. C

    Destroying a harddrive

    fire. that is you need. something with fire. gas is good. throw it off your roof. that would be cool to. throw off your roof while it is on fire. yes, do that.
  12. C

    10k achieved in 3dmark '03

    all i can say is wow. look at the cooling on that beast. pretty crazy. wish i could get my computer up that high
  13. C

    valve releaseing info soon?

    haha thats the funniest reply i have heard in a while.
  14. C

    Help with new vidcard... Please?

    looks like your memory might be underclocked a tad. you would probably be better off going to site like or and asking this question on their forums. you would getter faster and much more accurate responses. not trying to offend anyone on here, you guys are very...
  15. C

    benchmarking points?

    id say mid 4000's to upper 4000's. with overclock you would get maybe low 5k's. the 2 ghz processer will create a minor bottleneck depending on its fsb. if you oced your 9700 than you might get better scores. like someone said though. dont count to much on benchmarks. they have become useless in...
  16. C

    Nero problem

    go to run in your start menu and type regedit. then look around in software for any nero. you anything just delete it right there. that should do it. also go to add/remove progs and look in there.
  17. C

    i feel bad.......for us

    im sorry i(like many) have lost a lot of faith in valve the last couple months and it seems to only get worse by each passing week. i had hope for this year, yup its gone now. i know i dont post much on here, but i do come and read all your guys' thoughts and ideas. hl2 meant so much to me and...
  18. C

    What do you think will be the greatest danger to HL2?

    umm delay obviously
  19. C

    I hope i dont....

    hmmmm way easy dude. i have a shit dell also and installation was a snap. so far i dont have any problems with the psu. i have had it for about a month now. infact a month today haha. 9800 pro is a beautiful beautiful thing. enjoy that card. also forget best buy and buy it off a website or...
  20. C

    Latest version of Zonealarm tells Half Life to FO!! :(

    ya playing cs with za is a no go. i was like wtf is going on, why is this crap freezing. then i realized that it was stupid za. now i just turn it off when playing.