Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

B-MAn said:
well we have now really stopped talking about it anyway
oops off topic again but man you were lucky to get it for a tenner, its still number 4 in the shops i go and 50 euros. ;( , makes me a sad panda. Huggles? :O
wow that is expensive

/me hugs Jimbo ..stuffs copy of BP down shirt
yeh i was very lucky and im very glas i bought it :)
How does it run compared to the other two?

I'm still not sure to pick it up on the pc or Xbox.
Wow... I'm too overwhelmed at the minute to make any useful comments... it's cool. Fairly smooth as well - I was a bit worried about my system (Pentium M 1.8, 512mb RAM, Radeon Mobility 9700 64MB), but I'm running it on 1024x768, low detail and AAx1, and it's fine. The engine sure has been improved a lot... looks gooooooood.
Hmm... I get +respect and can handle 2 ppl gangs, but my respect meter under TAB is still in 0.
just got it, installin now, was 45 euros which wasnt bad, was expecting it to be 50-55 euros, 1st of all, awesome dvd case, the maual for the game is so cool, its a hardback tourist guide to the city, genius. :)
I finally got it, and yeah, the book style manual is very nice quality, but I hate the damn box that it comes in.

After this install I'll have 4Gb left on my 60GB HD. Time to start burning some stuff to DVD...
StardogChampion said:
I finally got it, and yeah, the book style manual is very nice quality, but I hate the damn box that it comes in.

After this install I'll have 4Gb left on my 60GB HD. Time to start burning some stuff to DVD...
hehe i couldnt get the book out for a few minutes, didnt know how to open the box, lol. :p
just started playing, the framerate is locked at 25fps it seems with frame rate limiter on whick sucks, also during the 1st cutscene the police car just glided along, looked weird.

also there was an annoying pop up of textures even on objects right beside me, for example i was walking down the street and when i looked left the house texture beside me just popped up, happened when i did it again a few times, annoying.
I haven't checked my FPS, but I turned off the limiter and it seems to run smoothly mostly at 1024x768.

also during the 1st cutscene the police car just glided along, looked weird.
Did the car kind of jump back + forward a little bit? It only happened for me when the car + camera where moving at the same time.

It definately doesn't run as well as Vice City, but it still runs well for me.

I'm hating the mouselook camera while you're in a vehicle, totally annoying. If you don't touch the mouse the auto-camera still doesn't seem as responsive as the VC one, making 180 turns very annoying.
StardogChampion said:
I'm hating the mouselook camera while you're in a vehicle, totally annoying. If you don't touch the mouse the auto-camera still doesn't seem as responsive as the VC one, making 180 turns very annoying.

It's not as bad as walking around on foot. The camera doesn't pan around behind the character at all. And trying to swing the camera around with the mouse is quite jarring.

Any recommendations?
StardogChampion said:
I haven't checked my FPS, but I turned off the limiter and it seems to run smoothly mostly at 1024x768.

Did the car kind of jump back + forward a little bit? It only happened for me when the car + camera where moving at the same time.

It definately doesn't run as well as Vice City, but it still runs well for me.

I'm hating the mouselook camera while you're in a vehicle, totally annoying. If you don't touch the mouse the auto-camera still doesn't seem as responsive as the VC one, making 180 turns very annoying.
i run aa @ 3(no higher wtf?) doesnt matter though, looks good at 3, 1280/960 res, everything maxed, frame rate limiter on, 30 fps, i might turn limiter off as 30fps sucks

yes thats exactly what happened in the car bit, looked odd, and like i said when the camera changed angle etc textures and buildings and stuff would suddenly pop-up, not the gradual pop-up like when driving, just sorta pop-up really fast, annoying. :frown:

ah well, need to play more, gotta sort my ctrl pad out.
I'm liking the game so far, but theres just a few things (some mentioned that's making it a bit annoying to play).

1. While driving why does the camera turn so slow, and why does mouse have any sort of control over the camera? If they'd left this the way it was in GTA3/VC it would have been much better imo.

2. I load the game, play a mission, complete the mission and by the time I go to the next mission the cut scenes have subtitled but none of the audio plays. If I quit the game, re-load and try the very same mission that wasn't playing any audio previously it plays! I mean ffs, everytime I complete a mission I have to save, quit, and re-load to make sure that the mission after it has sound.. also very annoying!

3. Shooting a gun you now have to RMB to aim and LMB to shoot. As with '1' I much prefer the way this worked in Vice City and GTA III and don't have any idea why the hell the changed it.

4. Missions that were very easy on the PS2 also seem much harder now too because of the level of traffic on the road and how easily they all become antagonised... i.e. one of the very early missions you do for OG Loc is chasing down some esse on a motor bike, which I completed first time around on the PS2 cos' the guy was so easy to chase. This time however I'm constantly getting knocked off the bike by traffic and spending ages just catching up to the dude.

5. The handling of cars doesn't feel as good as previous games either. For the most part the cars all feel too light. Like if you get up to a reasonable speed and hit left / right the car wobbles like **** and theres an awful lot of drift.

Luckily I haven't noticed any texture issues yet, but theres still time :\
craig said:
I'm liking the game so far, but theres just a few things (some mentioned that's making it a bit annoying to play).

1. While driving why does the camera turn so slow, and why does mouse have any sort of control over the camera? If they'd left this the way it was in GTA3/VC it would have been much better imo.

2. I load the game, play a mission, complete the mission and by the time I go to the next mission the cut scenes have subtitled but none of the audio plays. If I quit the game, re-load and try the very same mission that wasn't playing any audio previously it plays! I mean ffs, everytime I complete a mission I have to save, quit, and re-load to make sure that the mission after it has sound.. also very annoying!

3. Shooting a gun you now have to RMB to aim and LMB to shoot. As with '1' I much prefer the way this worked in Vice City and GTA III and don't have any idea why the hell the changed it.

4. Missions that were very easy on the PS2 also seem much harder now too because of the level of traffic on the road and how easily they all become antagonised... i.e. one of the very early missions you do for OG Loc is chasing down some esse on a motor bike, which I completed first time around on the PS2 cos' the guy was so easy to chase. This time however I'm constantly getting knocked off the bike by traffic and spending ages just catching up to the dude.

5. The handling of cars doesn't feel as good as previous games either. For the most part the cars all feel too light. Like if you get up to a reasonable speed and hit left / right the car wobbles like **** and theres an awful lot of drift.

Luckily I haven't noticed any texture issues yet, but theres still time :\
god i hope i dont get that.
i havent played much yet, just the first cutscene, then rode on the bmx for a bit, play later . Needs a patch i guess.
jimbo118 said:
god i hope i dont get that.
i havent played much yet, just the first cutscene, then rode on the bmx for a bit, play later i guess. Needs a patch i guess.

Yeah the first few cut scenes played fine with Officer 'Sammy' Tenpenny in them (aside from the police car jerking about like hell) but once I got into the missions it started with the stupid audio thing (which would be okay if the voice talent was shite, but they're really good).
craig said:
Yeah the first few cut scenes played fine with Officer 'Sammy' Tenpenny in them (aside from the police car jerking about like hell) but once I got into the missions it started with the stupid audio thing (which would be okay if the voice talent was shite, but they're really good).
yeah i didnt stop playing coz of the bugs tbh, had to go out but that audio thing sounds very annoying.
Got it. Played it. Loved it. Very nice atmosphere, and as always great voice acting. The game seems like a sharpened version of Vice City. Now if I can only get the Save games to work and then get back to continue playing, things would be ggggggrrrrrrrreat...
craig said:
3. Shooting a gun you now have to RMB to aim and LMB to shoot. As with '1' I much prefer the way this worked in Vice City and GTA III and don't have any idea why the hell the changed it.
Shooting guns is horrible now. I'm on some mission where I have to rescue some guy from his girlfriend's house, the damn aiming system is pissing me off on this one.

My FPS died totally as soon as it loaded all the bad guys around the house too. Also, since my mouse sensitivity is quite high I can't shoot people that are far away, so I have to run pretty close to them...
turned off frame rate limiter, fps has improved loads, still get slowdowns though, shame.
StardogChampion said:
Can't you lean back and forward on bikes anymore? None of the keys do anything :(
yeah you can with a control pad, havent tried on keyboard but i presume so.
WASD is normal driving and the arrow keys do the leaning. I can't seem to get the bastard to pedal faster (it was tapping X on the PS2 version)... any ideas?
Tap W when on a bicycle. It's hard, I know. Especially with the left hand middle finger.
Wow... the one button I didn't mash repeatedly... perhaps because it was too obvious.
I just made $12,000 by becoming a pimp.

Has anyone noticed cars appearing out of nowhere? I press the "look behind" button, then I let go and press it 1 second later and there's a car right up my ass. Insanely annoying.
Yeah, the car appearing-out-of-nowhere is a classical GTA thing :D Don't look too much behind.

I made 32 000 dollars when I had only done 7 main missions. I made it by firetrucking around the Los Santos airport. I was just about to put out the last level's (12) fires and accidentally drove my firetruck on a small bump at low speed and it whipped around into a small pond. Damn was I pissed.
Dev's should follow the golden rule of gaming : If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Yeah, damn. I want it because it sounds like an ub3r version of Vice City (that was a brilliant port, they got the car feeling and everything right) but the cars too light? Sounds bad. Sound problems? Bad. They should have left in a 'classic' controls set which would make it more Vice-y like.

And it looks to me as thought half the people buy the thing and then just spend days trawling through the coding for it as opposed to playing it. Although to be fair they've all probably already played it on PS2....

Oh well saving up, saving up. Curse you Governement! Damn you! Why can't i work BEFORE i'm 14 and 9 months...?
Jintor said:
Yeah, damn. I want it because it sounds like an ub3r version of Vice City (that was a brilliant port, they got the car feeling and everything right) but the cars too light? Sounds bad. Sound problems? Bad. They should have left in a 'classic' controls set which would make it more Vice-y like.

And it looks to me as thought half the people buy the thing and then just spend days trawling through the coding for it as opposed to playing it. Although to be fair they've all probably already played it on PS2....

Oh well saving up, saving up. Curse you Governement! Damn you! Why can't I work BEFORE i'm 14 and 9 months...?
I've not had any sound problems, and I don't think the cars are really that light. They seem to skid more when you bounce over a kerb though.

The only problem I'm having is the controls, they are just plain lame. I've totally reconfigured most of them, but it's still hard to do a lot of things. It's left-ctrl to bunnyhop a bike, but it seems like that's the only thing left-ctrl does. To raise a car's suspension fully, it's an entirely different key.

There are too many "dance dance revolution" type mini-games so far also...
the cars seem light because you dont have your driving skill up yet...controls take some getting used to, i havent changed them from default yet but i probably will eventually and the ddr minigames suck but its variance from the usual run n gun missions.
got the audio bug, got out of a car and the crackle of the radio was still playing, doh.
I'm having a weird audio problem. All my sounds were working fine, till I booted up the game today, now any sound comming from CJ (sound effects, voice, and even sound effects from the car I'm in) are extreemly low volume, I can barley hear them.

Anyone else got this?