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  1. Geno

    First Person Ragdoll?

    as would I, but if it isn't, it won't be a big loss
  2. Geno

    Foliage outlines.

    They were REALLY bad in ghost recon *horrible memories*
  3. Geno

    Crossbow and pinning guys

    I used to have a crossbow when I lived in Colorado, and that bitch fired a bolt into a pine tree trunk and it's still there to this day. We could NOT get it out....
  4. Geno

    HL brought us boxes... will HL2 bring us barrels?

    i wish the barrels could be kicked. imagine rolling an explosive barrel towards a combine with your foot, THEN shooting it. much more stylish than hitting them with the manipulator.
  5. Geno

    hl2 is going to be annoying (good way)

    i'm gonna try to rip as much of the scenery apart as i can.
  6. Geno

    only crowbar?

    hey i know what you are talking about! ....okay, i don't. And it wasn't a samurai sword, it was a HF blade from SoL
  7. Geno

    Crossbow and pinning guys

    What'd be cool is if the combine broke the arrows and threw them at the ground. No one wants to run around with an arrow sticking out of them. I want to get one of them right in the eye. Then laugh.
  8. Geno

    Hey everyone

    The name's zach. Hmmm..... that will be all.
  9. Geno

    If you could add one weapon to HL2 what would it be?

    I'd like to have a rabid ferret that you can throw onto the faces of others. Let's see, what about: A nailgun A bowling ball An axe (i want to chop limbs) a drill a cinder block a screwdriver i like melee weapons.
  10. Geno

    HL2 cooperative play

    Indeed they should. Co-op would rock. But who would your partner be?
  11. Geno

    dude, even Doom3 has DM remake but hl2 is left empty handed?

    hmm... i'd rather play counterstrike, but with half life characters.
  12. Geno


    in reality? how do people get magic packs that heal wounds in the real world? seriously, i'd like some scars to go away...
  13. Geno

    HL2 Vehicles

    dang, oh well
  14. Geno

    Grenade throwing vs Flashlight?

    that's what my teachers tell me
  15. Geno

    HL2 Vehicles

    *pickpockets rafa while he makes menacing gestures* do you think gordan will get to control any aerial vehicles? is it even possible? i mean, i know, you'd have to do some sort of height cutoff, but still, it would be cool...
  16. Geno

    Grenade throwing vs Flashlight?

    hmm. I'd attack a science facility on mars.
  17. Geno

    HL2 Vehicles

    flying without legs deadguy style!
  18. Geno

    HL2 Vehicles

    umm..... yes, well *runs away* *comes back* the spider from wild wild west would get owned, all it does is shoot fireballs. They should put in the APUs from the Matrix. I could kill some combine in those.
  19. Geno

    HL2 Vehicles

    maybe a firetruck..... and you can stop it, deploy the cherry picker, climb the ladder.... you'd have a portable sniper post!
  20. Geno

    Which game has better monsters: HL2 or D3?

    Half Life 2's monsters 'cause they from space ;)