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  1. Andy

    Community Competition

    prizes are good
  2. Andy

    Farenheit 9/11

    I was waiting for someone to start a thread on this film. It HAD to be Rupert. ;) Anyway when I when to see it with him it was a packed cinema and the film got a fairly good response. I was open minded but I expected it to be a moving version of his book, (and I just can't fully abide a...
  3. Andy

    American Cultural Dominance?

    I heard that most people who keep a gun in the house are substancially more likely to shoot a memeber of thier own family by mistake than a burglar.
  4. Andy

    Public Service Announcement

    Yes add the to/too thing in there and then for god's sake make this a sticky. ON EVERY FORUM
  5. Andy

    Team America, F*ck Yeah!

    *cough* poorlyorchastratedthunderbirdsripoffmascaradingassatire *cough*
  6. Andy

    Graphic Fight Scene *WARNING*

    :laugh: :laugh: AHHHAAAHAHAA!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  7. Andy

    Alien Vs. Predator Film

    *cough* moneygrabbingsellout *cough*
  8. Andy

    American Cultural Dominance?

    China has never expanded in economic terms, (despite thier, at one time, massive technological advantages) because of their persistent deferment to highly authoratititve rule. I.e. Extremely powerful leaders, which leads to complete control (and thus suppression) by the state. Now that...
  9. Andy

    Family Guy vs Simpsons

    oooo it's neck and neck in the polls! Simpsons used to be: joke, joke, joke jo(joke)ke But now it's: build up -------------------- Joke (If that makes any sense) Family guy hands down (also cause they can do subjects the Simpson's wouldn't touch.) and yes: Futurama = AWESOME
  10. Andy

    American Cultural Dominance?

    yes I heard the Brad Pitt rumour too. I just wouldn't work. The reason that Gervais is so laught-until-you-are-doubled-over-coughing-and-vomiting funny is becasue he is a guy you would just have NO RESPECT FOR if he was your boss. Maybe it's me but Brad Pitt doesn't seem to fit into that...
  11. Andy

    Best avatars, your vote

    I like Joeyslucky22's and/or (Big Fat) Pauly's. As I said before somewhere, it has the rare quality of getting funnier the longer you look at it. :laugh:
  12. Andy

    American Cultural Dominance?

    Its just our natural tendancy as humans to emulate one another. Personally I don't see it as a problem. We are drifting into "Americanism" because America is the most powerful country in the world. In fifty years china will be the world's largest superpower and we'll all head in that direction...
  13. Andy

    Is spanking a legitimate way of Discipline

    I don't think spanking (in England: "smacking" ;) ) is such a great way to go about it. There's a pretty interesting program on TV here called super nanny, the woman on it suggest that parents follow a warning - redepmtion - punishment scheme. Where the child is warned and explained to, given a...
  14. Andy

    I'm sure this was brought up a million years ago...

    :laugh: On topic: very few people survive Black Mesa, it would be a bit of a bore if everyone was in the sequel
  15. Andy

    Petition for larger avatar sizes!

    small is beautiful, simple is beautiful keeping 50x50 prevents people from using them as anoying banners, penis extensions and over the top identifiers.
  16. Andy

    new to moding

    Well some very important rules would probably be: 1. Learn the basics Worldcraft (sorry "hammer" :hmph: ) - dead easy: its the lego equivilent of 3D design. 1a. Experiment and expand - put your guy, in a room, with a zombie, a light and a gun and hit compile. Then go from there. Do...
  17. Andy

    Article Ideas

    still no sign of mine.... :(
  18. Andy

    Half-Life 2 Theft Information

    it would be just like a kid hacker to think that valve would be "impressed" into wanting to hire him, time for a reality check... THIS IS NOT A MOVIE, JACKASS!!
  19. Andy

    ATI vs NVIDIA massacre

    is there no way to lash both together into some sort of sickening, sparking, ducktape and solder hybrid?
  20. Andy

    For Anyone Making A Realism Mod

    when i saw the title I thought it was gonna be a bitch... nice to see someone posting constructively.