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  1. FragBait0

    EA to distribute Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source

    Not good Gabe...not good. :( Does this mean our saves will now be under "documents and settings"? *shudder*
  2. FragBait0

    chris_d owned this guy

    NOES!!1 I mean, duck (no quack) the mods are coming... Edit: jumped on by the quickpost(TM)-ers - was refering to
  3. FragBait0 - What a Joke

    Kyo has been pointing me at this thread for a while now and I figured what the hell... So my bit then: this is just the little ruckus you get before a major social change. Provided you do exactly what the oppressed have done before (ie - what your doing now will be fine) then all should be...
  4. FragBait0

    Sleep deprivation.

    What he means is, causing physical injury didn't work! Kyo, are you actually uh, alive? haven't seen you on IRC or school for a week and some lol :)
  5. FragBait0

    HL2DM map by 3D-Mike

    Interesting. I can't tell if the building is growing around the rock or the rock around the building :P (love your work for TS BTW :))
  6. FragBait0

    Computer Games Are Too Addictive

    What the f**k? I said that they have to find bugs and test the fixes. Nothing about doing the fixing... BTW, Why does everyone (well, a lot) on the planet seem assume a bug has to be in the code? Ever heard of a level designer, for example? Aye, I now spend FAR more time mapping and...
  7. FragBait0

    Computer Games Are Too Addictive

    Did anyone else quickly snicker and then dismiss the thought? I have no reason to not play games 24/7 - HL2 just gave me water thats *near eough* to real life. For so long I've left games to go look at some water.. now I just fire up HL2 and stay right where I am. :( Dispite how rosy...
  8. FragBait0

    Accidentally using secondary fire...

    Can you promise to never, ever, operate on anyone? In particular their brain. (explosives and large cutting wheels etc are, of course, excused)
  9. FragBait0

    A problem with a friend....

    Oh damn ease my sides! It's so true... :laugh:
  10. FragBait0

    Religion no longer exists!

    Quantum mechanics can be weighted by certain pre-existing conditions methinks. That is, even if quantum mechanics works, standing in front of a fast moving bus will still kill you. :)
  11. FragBait0

    Important warning to all mappers

    Which is why he dosen't describe anything saying "unexpected end of file found"? Interesting.
  12. FragBait0

    Important warning to all mappers

    Maybe your VMF is somehow corrupted and the vmx is not? :) Maybe it's a shot in the dark. But if you so desperatly need this map then it couldn't hurt to try it.
  13. FragBait0

    CTF_BOF - new map for old TFC

    Crap. I hate it when I do that. Argh. I feel dumb now :)
  14. FragBait0

    CTF_BOF - new map for old TFC

    Hi everyone. I've been working on this map for a few months now and I thought its about time I got some testing on a larger scale: Screenshot: Please post any feedback and/or suggestions for...
  15. FragBait0

    Important warning to all mappers

    Can't you load the .vmx backup? As for a "converter"....there isn't one. Because you can't just go from a BSP to a nice neat VMF. Because. :) Sure, you can get decompilers but it makes a pig's ear of geometery and a lot of your texturing is screwed up etc etc The best option is probably...
  16. FragBait0

    Are YOU supporting Steam?

    I got a tiny brain because Steam crashes and does other "silly things"?? Just how the hell do you come to such a broad, sweeping and intentionally offensive conclusion?
  17. FragBait0

    Are YOU supporting Steam?

    Well I don't hate Valve either. But I hate em for Steam if you know what I mean... :P You are lucky to have only 3 of those problems. Which ones while we're at it?
  18. FragBait0

    Are YOU supporting Steam?

    It's a bastard on dial-up where you pay for each call. It's a bastard at a LAN when you can't play it. It's a bastard when your CPU is randomly crunching stuff for it for no good reason. It's a bastard when it crashes. It's a bastard when it freezes. It's a bastard when it crashes your...
  19. FragBait0

    Are YOU supporting Steam?

    I'm not having a whine. Much. On a completely unrelated note...I'm not supporting Steam. At least until some of this crap is fixed up - honestly would it be so hard for the connect attempt to timeout a *little* earlier?
  20. FragBait0

    Are YOU supporting Steam?

    Maybe the concept behind steam is good. (And maybe not) But I, personally, have had one big piece of shit with it. Just the other day, for example, I decided to get the latest update before going to a LAN. Steam spent quite sometime trying to connect before telling me that the server...