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  1. D

    Buying original half-life?

    Hi, Ok so I need to set up a new account for a relative, however steam has changed things somewhat since I bought my version. All I can find is the annoying Anthology versions which valve seems to think I will pay for free mods. Anyway, I want purchase a single half-life box and have access...
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    Is it possible to increase ammo capacity?

    Use userconfig.cfg :) From what I know it's loaded at map change and when you first start the game up.
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    The U.S must stop suporting Israel

    I see it like this: the current violence and terrorism is both sides fault, and as said earlier both sides keep sparking it off again. IMHO, they don't praise terrorists’ acts that happen somewhere totally unconnected to them. Israel's tanks come rolling in to a supposed terrorist's...
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    Day of Defeat: Source to be Released as Stand-Alone

    I bought bronze thinking I could upgrade to silver later. However it says it's not available right now, any idea when it will be? I didn't think HL:S was worth paying for but if dod is good(new gameplay new models fully remade maps etc, not a simple port) I'd like to upgrade :)
  5. D

    SDK not working!!! WTF!!!!!!

    If this doesn't solve it, try going to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\-usernamehere-\sourcesdk\bin and running vconfig.exe It should make the error go away :)
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    Steam servers are too busy to unlock- really?

    I think that is a generic error message and what it's saying is not actually true. I'd guess that for some reason it can't connect to to the decrypt servers. Try disabling firewall and programs like netlimiter, although they might have fixed that.
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    HL2 running like sh*t at a certain chapter of the game **SPOLIER WARNING**

    That level is VERY cpu limited, AI and lots of physics. HL2 eats cpu for breakfast, lunch and tea. Even with an overclock fx55 you are cpu bound. There's nothing you can do other than overlocking or getting a better cpu. It's why some people can have 4xAA on their 9600, while others barely get...
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    Natural Selection Update (finaly)

    They've said that if they did make it, it would probably not be a direct port, but would make full use of the engines features. This, while it would be awesome, probably means it'll be a long while before we're playing ns source :)
  9. D

    Another SOURCE Bug!

    Just type "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0" Not sure what the command is exactly but it's something like that. It disables the "stutter" patch they released like a week after release.
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    Nod Graph Out of Date. Rebuilding...

    I get it everytime I play jbmod, antlion map or any custom map I've played before.
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    Convert dem files?

    Think it's called videomatch.. not sure been a while since I've used it. edit: My bad, videomach:
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    Weapons for HL3 (proper thread)

    Gauss(with the secondy fire boost)/Dynamic breaking points for props and models :D
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    Low fps

    Problem is no doubt the gfx card.. I didn't even think integrated graphics would run. Once you get a decent card, you should be able to play on high or atleast medium with no slowdown.
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    Why don't you like Steam?

    Steam is nice, and finally stable. Friends is my favourite part about it I think, I have nearly 100 people on my friends list, being able to talk and find out where they are playing is awesome. My only real problem is how full of security holes it is, but then again it's a lot better than it was.
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    HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released

    Nice! Keep up the good work :)
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    HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released

    Nice! Keep up the good work :)
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    To all those who hate Half Life 2

    ban the troll already
  18. D

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    Sorry I've got no idea.. only heard about things like this a few times before. People would get insane lag in one mod, and normal ping in another. You could try deleting your config.cfg file in the cstrike cfg folder. Make a copy of your current one, then just delete the original. Start up css...
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    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    Very strange :/ One last thing to try would be a traceroute. To do this, find a server that pings fine for you in the browser, get the server info up and copy the ip address. Then do the cmd thing again. Type "tracert <serverip>", make sure you take the port of the end, normally :27015. Post the...
  20. D

    LOOOOOOONG Loading Times...

    I mean, do all server have 300+ pings in the server browser? In the net graph, at the bottom, what choke and loss do you get? As for commands.. you can try increaing cl_cmdrate and cl_update each to 100, don't think that will change much though.