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  1. Shady

    Using bits in other bits

    I would also like to know this :/
  2. Shady


    Love the lighting... maps are too lit now adays - this atmosphere adds a lot when it comes to multiplayer - people are a little more cautious and I wouldn't be supprised if they jumped at opponents a few times ;) Waiting to see the final!
  3. Shady

    Undoing Tie to Entity

    World Brush then tie to entity = Entity Brush
  4. Shady

    Displacement map blending?

    Yeah - displacement maps do not block areas to stop your pc from drawing like brushes do. You're always supposed to put a nice thin layer of 'nodraw' brush underneath every displacement map you have. Hope that helps :) Do those prop grasses show up now? I didn't know this was automatic...
  5. Shady

    What do you do

    I always texture as I create - but I have base textures layed out beforehand. It's good to plan an environment texture (grass, dirt, sand....) and also rock type (for outdoors sections). Then have 1 or 2 main wall textures and a couple floor and ceiling textures. Then I work off those. Tends to...
  6. Shady

    How to make striders attack?

    I dont think they have all of the support in for this yet... I wish they would release info on everything - every new sdk update or release is always lacking "just enough" information :/
  7. Shady

    Flickering lights pattern

    I had no problems, but I was using longer sequences :/ I dont know why that would not work
  8. Shady


    Glad you got it working - good luck in your mapping endeavors :)
  9. Shady


    Pretty good idea - nice use of entities :)
  10. Shady

    2 days with hammer...

    Click "go advanced" on the bottom of this post and scroll down from the new window that comes up (its more detailed). Click manage attachments and select the map file you have (it should be in sourcesdk, css sample content, and then under maps. Add it and then click "submit reply" to post.
  11. Shady

    fast switching between hammer & hl2

    what does impulse 101 do... is that dev commands enabled? I cant remember now.. :/
  12. Shady


    What error? Please specify...
  13. Shady

    2 days with hammer...

    Post the .vmf on here - I'll take a look... not sure if that has to do with brush intercection or not, but I've never seen that before. Do you have Hammer setup correctly? Here's a good tut for CS:S setup: http://www.*************/wiki/index.php/HammerConfig (Right click and copy the link...
  14. Shady

    2 days with hammer...

    The only reason im doing so good in hammer is because I have experience with AutoCAD for technical drafting. The setup and ideas are exactly the same. Using a 3 axis creation system like this is hard for new users to catch on to. It will take you a while to get it down. You have to learn to...
  15. Shady

    Can't run on multiple machines; why?

    I'm running it on my laptop and a pc. We can't both play online at the same time, but everything else works.... Another friend of mine is having your problem as well. I'm not sure what the problem with it is.
  16. Shady

    Spawning the Physgun

    That makes sense - I dont see why they would have remodeled it. If they did, it was minor changes. Someone posted on another thread what the super physgun's name was for entity placement --- cant find that thread :/
  17. Shady

    CS:S still in cstrike_sample_content??

    Wondering why a new dir wasn't created or no new files were added regarding CS:S. Everything new seems to be for HL2 - yet lots of things weren't exactly implemented in CS:S (cubmap, some lighting features, blah blah blah)? Just wondering if this is it for CS:S stuff or the SDK in general?
  18. Shady

    cs_docks for source (wip)

    It will add texture on top of the origional texture and blend them together. If used correctly, it looks very good and adds veriety instead of 1 flat texture across a face.
  19. Shady

    cs_docks for source (wip)

    Alpha Blend to textures: Certain textures have "blend" in their name. Click the texture application tool, apply it to a face (ground for example), then click the displacement tab. Then click create and chose the power (how many areas it's subdivided into) then hit ok. Next click that face and...
  20. Shady

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

    :cheers: W00000T!!! Thank you Valve.. Let the fragging begin - and roll on modding teams! :thumbs: