I saw him through a camera overlooking the opposite shore in a house occupied by the combine on the coastline.
Edit: to late..
damn you're observant. :)
I saw this on another site and I just had to post it here.
This picture reveals the location of City 17.
And it's not in eastern europe after all.
It's in.. Sweden.
That, my friends, is in swedish. :)
Man, what a great game.
Even better than expected.
A little short perhaps but compensates with an abundance of quality.
I like how the game got more and more exciting from the start until just before the intentional anti-climax ending.
Definitely money well spent.
But what am I going to...
I have to admit that I have followed Naruto since the beginning. It's not that I love it or anything... I just need my weekly dose of violence.
So which path will you take?
It's time to choose.
The first time I say the ring it made me jump a few times.
Ofcourse I was sitting next to one of those girls who jumps off her seat everytime the camera angle changes.
It adds to the effect. :)
When I saw it the next time it wasn't all that scary..
I voted LotR.
But Badger, how can it be "the Star Wars of our generation" when it's ~40 years older.
I first read LotR when I was 12.
Greatest books ever.
(I hope I haven't started a movie vs. books flamewar now) :)
Ja det är idag ja.
Heja sverige!
Och grattis kungen.
Här uppe i Jämtland är det dock ett nästan heltäckande molntäcke.
Igår var det fint men idag... ;(