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  1. CokeLite

    Dave chappelle show..

    Was the Chappelle show the one that had the skit where black descendants from slaves ended up getting reperations and the reporter was interviewing the new richest black guy in the U.S and he said "I'm rich, BIOTCH!". If so that was teh funny.
  2. CokeLite

    Is it possible to travel through time?

    Ive read some of that John Titor stuff yesturday and i am going to try to finish it up tonight. Very intreging. I have a shotgun so mabye I can join the Shotgun Unit! :sniper:
  3. CokeLite

    Is it possible to travel through time?

    Ive heard many theories about traveling through time. Some of these theories seem like udder BS yet others sound like they might actually hold water. What are some theories you have heard of? Some of the theories I have heard say that it is possible to travel into the future but not into the...
  4. CokeLite

    Bush's new space vision

    Im sure more will be given in time. The most important part is that the plans were put in motion for this to happen. It probibly will not happen for a while but you have to start somewhere.
  5. CokeLite

    Why bush's new imigration plan *IS* a good idea.

    ^^Reads The Best Page In The Universe. Anyway I am a republican and conservative and I have to admit that this plan is the first time ive disagreed with Bush so far. I can see where he is going with it but the problem is now if this happens all the other people in Mexico will see this and...
  6. CokeLite

    How Much Do You Trust Your Government?

    American. I did not trust the last administration at all since Clinton couldent even tell the truth about a BJ. Why do you think he was called "Slick Willy"? 50%+ with the current one.
  7. CokeLite

    "O'Neill says war plans account distorted"

    Yet another post stabbed to death by the knife of immaturity....
  8. CokeLite

    "O'Neill says war plans account distorted"

    Of course he was overpublicized. The liberal media jumped on the Bush-Bashing bandwagon as fast as they could when it came to making Bush look bad. What you might not know is that it is not only acceptable for the party in power to make plans to invade other countries before there is reason...
  9. CokeLite

    Real vid of an Apache attack *explicit*

    What else kind of cylindrical device could it be? A bong? Pretty wierd time to get high with a war going on and stuff. What else could they have been doing? Either these people were A) Part of the Iraqi army and therefore the enemy, or B) A bunch of complete udder morrons. Either or they...
  10. CokeLite

    Real vid of an Apache attack *explicit*

    The clip was disturbing, yes... but not "outrageous" and/or "mean". Those soldiers took the risk of going out there to fight and they paid the price. I only read a few pages into this thread but JoetheCanuk seems to have a misguided view of war. This clip shows just one apache doing its job...
  11. CokeLite

    Are we alone?

    Mabye the reason we are not recieving any radio waves from any other lifeforms is probibly because they didnt evolve with the same materials and inventions as we have. Any other civilizations might not even register with us as true lifeforms and might go unnoticed to us at first.
  12. CokeLite

    What do you think about Bush?

    sorry bout that. I got confused with another post and thought you were insulting me. Problems with multitasking :)
  13. CokeLite

    Stop the war march in London

    Yeah... their ignorance amuses me. :cheese:
  14. CokeLite

    What do you think about Bush?

    The fact that he was a good public speaker is not the reason why I do not trust him. He cannot even admit that he has had sexual relations with an intern, that is what makes me not trust him. See my example. You damn moron. Didnt I say it was because of his actions? Did you even read...
  15. CokeLite

    Stop the war march in London

    The riot in London is nothing but a bunch of hippy morons with no jobs that have nothing better to do. I am watching them on TV right now pushing and hitting the riot police. Shouldent they follow what they preach?
  16. CokeLite

    What do you think about Bush?

    Bush is not a moron... he is quite the opposite. Clinton seemed so smart when he spoke because he is a professional speaker. Hell even the biggest idiot in the world that is good at professional speaking sounds smart. Other countries liked Clinton because he was a talker, not a doer...
  17. CokeLite

    Driving lessons.

    LOL what a generalzation. I am 19 years old and I have a class B license and drive big trucks at my dayjob while taking classes in the afternoon. Never had one accident. (knock on wood) On the other hand though... my friend is on his fourth car :)
  18. CokeLite

    What do you think about Commies?

    Communism and Socialism go hand in hand. Thats why I hate Liberals. Vote Republican
  19. CokeLite

    Question about NVida card

    cool thx for info
  20. CokeLite

    Question about NVida card

    ok thanks for the replys 1/0s?????