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  1. K

    The beta is being completely wiped off the internet

    ravennox12, your sources suck REAL BAD if you think that the beta is completely off of the internet.
  2. K

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    apparently things havnt gone too wrong because valve has managed to state condition zero will go gold this riday and be available for release on Nov 18. like how many times has CZ been delayed? like 50?
  3. K

    Well, I seen some ss of HL2 beta...

    You are going to get banned because this forum is now a little panzygirly girls forum where the BETA can't even be mentioned.
  4. K

    1yr delay possible

    Speculation=BEST IDEA EVER!!!
  5. K

    Stepping out of the shadow..

  6. K

    HL2 de;ayed till april 2004

    It was just posted on CNN this morning, how many freakin times has it been posted here already?
  7. K

    HL2 de;ayed till april 2004 Looks like HL2 is going the way of Duke Nukem Forver. When Valve announced HL2 at E3 I thought they were very respectful by waiting to annouce the game until 3 months before launch. But now this is going to get...
  8. K

    Repond To VALVE HACKER

    You and your "Fro" should stop "thinking". Really, end yourself
  9. K

    Does this mean that there will be a warez version of HL2 soon?

    Well I'm not L33t Haxxor or anything but something tells me we will be getting HL2 much sooner than expected... To bad it will be all buggy since they arent done yet, or maybe they are???
  10. K

    hl2 or hot female

    If you choose the hot female then in the end you will get both anyways since HL2 will come out anyways.
  11. K

    1 hour and counting

    its 12:10 PST here, nothing gonna happen tonight... maybe tommarow but Valve is being really disrespectful to their fans right now so don't expect any new news.
  12. K

    I Found Teh Easter Egg (serious)

    I would say screw you Valve, you are dumbasses!!! Then I would wake up.
  13. K

    Youve gotta give Valve credit

    We used marketing strategy, all up in yo hizzy, BIATCH
  14. K

    Until we meet again!!

    whatever he'll be back tommarow.
  15. K

    Fragmaster's comments

  16. K

    The one bit of good news... The benchmark!

    No, whats rediculous is delaying a game with only one weeks notice, piss off valve for making me anticipate this game so much.
  17. K

    WTF only 1 week advance notice before delay!?!?!?

    Damnit screw Valve if this is true!!! they had to know good and well 1 month before the 30th wether they were going to make the release! instead they are like.. <GabeN>"hey we aren't going to make the 30th ya know" <DougLombardi>"I know" <GabeN>"well should we tell the thousands of fans...
  18. K

    If HL2 doesn't come out on the 30th then at least we'll have...

    anyone who says that the BETA plays better that the xbox version is a moron. I have the beta and bot oh boy does it feel like a BETA. it feels pretty bad really, I hope they made some major strides in the programming before they made it go gold. Otherwise we are going to be sitting around...
  19. K

    oh god no :( :( :(

    sounds like bs to me, especially since Valve religiously backs up their files, on site as well as off site.