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  1. KNoX

    GCFScape doesent work :(

    When I try to open up GCFScape it cant initilize....sorry bad grammer I have tryed Version 1.5 and 1.9 :borg:
  2. KNoX

    What tweaks do YOU have applied to HL2?

    How do you put that command in? its not working in my .cfg file :|
  3. KNoX

    2 things i miss from HL in HL2

    I think that the setting in HL was WAY better than hl2
  4. KNoX

    Hero of Aftermath confirmed ?

    Adrian is awesome why do you hate him. Just cause you find Gordan an Idol in your Geeky lives. Shepards too cool for you :E
  5. KNoX

    Dog vs. Garg

    What the hell is with you guys how could dog win a garg would just fry him jeeze some of you gotta go play HL1 again. Dogs head is a scanner jeeze its like a friggen hammered together in a garage robot. remeber in HL1 when the garg kicks the car and it goes flying at like mach 2...
  6. KNoX

    Half Life Or Half Life 2? Which Is Better?

    1 thing that made me pick halflife was that when you fight a hard monster in HL2 you run around shooting it. in HL1 you had to do all this stuff. HL1 was WAY more immirsive to me. and i agree that there wasent enough horror it needs more horror not like scary horror but 1984 horror. like i...
  7. KNoX

    What is HL2DM missing?.. How can you even call it that? Many of our thoughts...

    what is with you people and saying HLDM takes skill like wtf?? i played it yesterday fo like the 7th time in my life (i play dod for multiplayer goodness) and i dont see the skill in jumping around with the tau cannon and gibbing people. i can just join a game and kill people while jumping its...
  8. KNoX

    This is for poeple who said Striders dont decapitate.

    he has beens stabed by the striders leg, decapitated? i dont think so they are confuzzled because you are illiderate
  9. KNoX

    Go Go Icarus Milk

    ok..... i cant belive Icarus left...*sniff* can some one give me a link to the icarus leave ,munro and no one wants to talk about it thread?
  10. KNoX

    Valve knew of 'audio' bug?

    never exsperianced it
  11. KNoX

    [H]ard|OCP Slams Valve for State of CS:S Release

    ya know something the CS team makes the CS games not VALVe!!!!!!
  12. KNoX

    Day of Defeat: Source Screenshots ?

    0_o cmon you guys there are screens not the fake ones on day of not the jagd pic but there is one of the anzio church that waldo showed at some confrence and they put it on the web
  13. KNoX

    Is half life source all that different?

    i was hoping for HL2 physics but no......
  14. KNoX

    Are you dissapointed with Story/Graphics/Physics?

    HL2 is awesome its like halflife on steriods thats my opinion
  15. KNoX

    Crazy amusing things!

    Barney is awesome!
  16. KNoX

    I Feel Dirty...

    .................that statement or whatever is probebly the best thing i have ever heard on these forums since i joined. i do not intend to post agian bye HL2 net i used to be known as undercover bob but then i got banned i really think you have a point. will posting on this forum ever really do...
  17. KNoX

    Bloodlines leaked

    why are all these games being leaked DAMN YOU HACKERS >:(
  18. KNoX


    and look dont come to this thread and dis the guys for having guns!
  19. KNoX


    I got an ak-47 a bazzoka a ray gun a grenade lancher a FLaMe-ThRoWer a UBER-gun AND a lightsaber oh and a sharpened pencil
  20. KNoX

    Porn Mod ?

    ya know this is REALLY...REALLY......ReALLy SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 go watch porno you sick people so you dont post your crap here >:(