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  1. I

    Steam Releases Half-Life Update

    haha it was my birthday today too :)
  2. I

    18 year old kills 5 & himself on day of graduation

    Oops, Sorry, I forgot to come here and get flamed :/ Basically, because you guys made a fuss about how we were wrong when we said this happens more in USA than anywhere else, and made oh so mature jokes about how we have lots of fingers (have I missed something with this 'joke'?), but as soon...
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    18 year old kills 5 & himself on day of graduation

    Umm, yeah, but you quote slipknot in your sig. Therefore you should not be allowed an opinion on ANYTHING.
  4. I

    18 year old kills 5 & himself on day of graduation

    If you say this happens everywhere, you are either just dumb or being deliberately naive. I can count the cases that have happened outside of the 'US of A' on one hand.
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    So horrible - cat owners stay away !

    I REALLY hope the person stops if anyone hits you in the road. </sarcasm>
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    Weekly Steam News (27/05/05)

    Lol its probably one of your 'friends' put a keylogger on your pc
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    I plan to shut down valve dash

    Have you shut it down yet? We are still waiting... I didnt realise that pictures of gammy fingers were illegal now.
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    Elitetorrents shut down

    Hahahahahahahaha I just guessed you were from the UK because of Chavs. I thought it only us having the pleasures of chavs :/
  9. I

    I plan to shut down valve dash

    The WHOIS information for "" is fake. There is no "Gangsta Street" in "Blingingham" GB, and if the WHOIS information is fake, then it was probably paid for (?) with a phished PayPal account, or a stolen credit card number. Hahahahahah, thats great
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    Elitetorrents shut down

    Umm, yes, but 'Chav' is not located on US Soil.. What, are they gonna travel to the UK through the interhweb and beat him up? Piratebay legal threats are well funny.. Have you read the latest attack by 'The Web Sheriff'?
  11. I

    What's your frame rate?

    I wish you good luck with GCSE, especially with spelling like this - 'If you wan't peace"
  12. I

    Put fish in water; like de_inferno

    I'm making a big outdoorsy map, with a lake/pond, and the fish from inferno would be perfect to put in it; add a little realism. Does anyone know how to do this? thanks
  13. I

    video card?

    No, its just that if you up the graphics quality, it stresses your system more, so it is unable to deal with the internet connection as efficiently. Though, I very much doubt it could cause the ping to go over 200
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    Spoiler request

    Yeh, just open the lock gates with the control panel, then retrace your steps to get the airboat back, and go through the gates?
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    Check out this guy's Halloween Costume

    Haha Noobulon wins... Shut yo mouth JellyWorld!
  16. I

    Check out this guy's Halloween Costume

    Because it would have taken many years to make, and take about 10 minutes to render each frame even on the highest spec PCs, that's why.
  17. I

    Hella wtf?

    Meh, I would lead a sheltered life if I lived in Chaversham :p
  18. I

    Will we see the end of the world in our lifetime?

    Hopefully I won't be around, because as we've established from a previous thread, there will be lots of americans will be out to 'kill a bunch of people'. :/ Also, its very unlikely that EVERYONE dies from a nuclear war. What about places like mongolia? Who is going to waste a nuke on...
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    what if today is doomsday and you and the world had only 1 hour to live

    Anyone notice the reccuring theme of Americans wanting to kill people? :| makes me more and more worried about reading these forums... Please, Don't...
  20. I

    Uhh.. Any worth while mods? <-- :D Looks like they making some good progress