Search results

  1. T

    Last game you were this excited about...

    Black & White
  2. T

    Ask Gun questions to me!

    Hmmm...kinda looks like a penis pistol.....
  3. T

    My South-park people...

    Ahahahaha! Love it!
  4. T

    Win 2k or XP for HL2?

    Win2k All the way!
  5. T

    What should I do?

    Me and a friend of mine is thinking of making a mod to HL2 as it's been said to be so much easier then other games. We are thinking of a melee mod where you only use melee weapons (like swords, clubs, maces, varius mechanic's tools and maybe som random stuff you can pick up; chairs, iron pipes...
  6. T

    CoD Online

    Indeed! I 4M TEH V373R4N!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneone!!!!!!!!111!!!11!!!1! seriously, When the game gets out I intend to complete it on Veteran.....only way...
  7. T

    What do these domains stands for

    Me neither:x
  8. T

    best birthday present?

  9. T

    we need a sticky topic for the new guys...

    Well done lads! Now how the **** am I suppose to get some sleep now eh?
  10. T

    Worldwide Release Date... Heh heh heh.

    To The Rook: If you post ANY spoilers we will hunt you down like a dog and make you play Sims until the day you die!
  11. T

    CoD Online

    Ah thanks mate! I was checking there earlier but all was full, finally got a place at the Netherlands server though. Should be down in 30 mins!
  12. T

    CoD Online

    God Damnit! It's full everywhere! It's 3:10AM here and REALLY need some sleep! I'm currently in line and there is 48 mmins until I can download! GOD I NEED THIS GAME!! *EDIT* if someone can find a good link I'll be forever in your debt
  13. T

    Britney Spears a slut? no, hell no.....

    Seems to me that they discussed you more than them. but I didn't read the whole thing....
  14. T

    The person above you

    Couldn't find anything to say about Sgt. Igneri and found him insulting
  15. T

    Games youre most looking forward to

    But at LAN's it ROCK! I'm going to a LAn next weekend and we'll probably play BF/DC 'til we drop:cheese: :cheers: :bounce:
  16. T

    Games youre most looking forward to

    He said so didn't he? I am to, the new player models look sw33t! (sry) *EDIT* oops, to late
  17. T

    How far are you in your education

    I'm from Norway and I don't know where I am according to your system but I'm 16 years old and is curently on "Allmenn påbygning"
  18. T

    Britney Spears a slut? no, hell no.....

    I find them funny :)
  19. T

    So nervous...

    Well one thing is for sure; When Half-Life 2 gets out your grades will go down! (Applies to all of us who go to school i guess)
  20. T

    The person above you

    Got me in his good book:bounce: