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  1. K

    Half-Life 2 DoD style

    Wow. Why must people always flame instead of just congratulating a person for their accomplishments? Probably jealous.... People always have to criticize people's shit cuz they don't have anything better to do. Anyways, I think its pretty awesome. Does it have the reload animation and...
  2. K

    New DOD:S pic (REAL)

    Exactly. PHL has been going downhill for the past couple of years. Everything posted there is all hearsay and no actual facts.
  3. K

    F-in HACKERS!!!

    What the hell are you talking about? Hacks do exist and people use them. Yesterday I was playing in Uni of Teeside 24/7 office server and there was this guy named Dryan on. He was on my team and he was a ****ing hacker. My God, if you would have seen the things he was doing, you would have...
  4. K

    Best MP EVER

    It's definitely unplayable at this point. And it's definitely not the best mp ever. Whoever said that has obviously not been playing online games for very long. It's mediocre at best. It was fun for the first 30 minutes and then it got boring. I hope all you bitches who cried about not...
  5. K

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

    Mine's 100% and still not working.....
  6. K

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

    My HL2 Singleplayer won't work. CS:S won't work. HL2 Deathmatch won't work. WTF?
  7. K

    Big release suprise!!!???

    Wow. Those are photoshopped. I haven't seen that "Change Mod" option on the HL menu since the days of WON. Everything in that menu looks photoshopped like hell.
  8. K

    Tired of people complaining!

    Agreed. If you don't like campers and autosnipers, then don't play online fps' in general. There will always be camping. So stop bitching and just play the ****ing game.
  9. K

    Well i know where ill be tomorrow morning....

    Not true. They can put you on a call list to tell you if the game has just been released.
  10. K

    Well i know where ill be tomorrow morning....

    Dude, have you preordered it? Cuz if you haven't then I'm sorry to say that you may not get it on release. I went to EB the other day to check on my copy, and I asked the dude working there if I was guaranteed a copy. He said only if you preordered. I thanked God. Then I asked if alot of...
  11. K

    Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

    Not to bag on you here, but you haven't played HL2. I'm assuming that it will be one of the best games that I have ever played, but you are going out on a limb in saying that it should be ranked HL2 should be ranked higher than them all. Just wait to play the game and I'm sure you won't be...
  12. K

    Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

    People are forgetting that THE most played online game to date is a Half Life mod. Think about the replayability when all those other mods are released. The possibilities are ****ing endless. Halo 2 doesn't even hold a candle to HL2.
  13. K

    Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

    Seriously, Halo2 has had more ****in hype than any game this year and has turned out to be this biggest GODDAMN dissappointment. Those who have played this travesty know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not saying Halo2 is a bad game, but WTF are people thinking when they say that Halo2...
  14. K


    I have the same card. What drivers did you upgrade too???
  15. K

    Will Half Life 2 sell well? Will it beat Halo 2?

    I don't really care if it does outsell Halo2. I went to EB Games today to ask about my copy of HL2 and I got a chance to play Halo2, and I must say, I was truly disappointed. All that damn hype for a game that is the same as the first, with a little graphics polish and dual wielding. I'm sure...
  16. K

    What song will you play as Half-Life 2 unlocks?

    Kill You - Eminem
  17. K

    question bout HL2

    I agreen with you dj. Yogi and the thing are the only people that responded to your question without sticks up their ass. Stop flaming people for asking questions. In the time you used to insult dj, you could have simply answered his ****ing question.
  18. K

    I have parents evening on the 16th

    Screw your parents. What have they ever done for you?
  19. K


    WHOA.... WTF? Are you serious? That's pretty insane. Some MMORPG's don't even support that many people. Yeah, hosting that shit would be hell..... You'd have to have a NASA supercomputer for that much CPU usage. I'd love to see 64 player DoD games. Source's netcode is amazing and I...