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  1. FearoftheDomoKun

    Op4 + BS source?

    What you are looking for is, little piggy.
  2. FearoftheDomoKun

    Please help me!!!

    Google for a guide.
  3. FearoftheDomoKun

    Half Life 2 cd key error !!

    Most likely your friend already bound that cd-key to his steamaccount, for you to play he'd have to give you his account.
  4. FearoftheDomoKun

    Mb useage per hour?

    Bah. I'm a swede, and i don't own no space shuttle:hmph: . Well, at least i have a 10/10 line with no cap. *points finger and laughs*
  5. FearoftheDomoKun

    HEV Suit unnecessary?

    Sorry if this's already been posted, didn't bother to read through the whole topic. Kleiner needed the suit delivered to BME, so why bother using alot of power to teleport it separately? He just slapped it on Gordon so he could carry it to BME.
  6. FearoftheDomoKun

    Giving HL2 Game To A Friend

    Of course you could just go over to his house, install HL2 on his computer with your account. You friend could just keep it in offlinemode and would enable you to still be able to play online.
  7. FearoftheDomoKun

    Half-Life 2 Game Mods /w Purchase?

    CS:source does come with retail HL2.
  8. FearoftheDomoKun

    hated the ending?

    I hope alyx turns into a zombie. Now that would be a nice twist!
  9. FearoftheDomoKun

    Can you set the number of Antlions/Squad members?

    You can have any number of rebels with you at a time, you don't need to set anything. Just spawn them and they'll follow you. Not sure about the Ant-lions.
  10. FearoftheDomoKun

    Whats your favorite weapon??

    whatWHATWHAT?! How can the Gravity Gun NOT be in first place? This is ridiculous (w00t i could spell it properly!).
  11. FearoftheDomoKun

    Entangled in Entanglement

    If reloading doesn't help, buy the game. And it's Alyx.
  12. FearoftheDomoKun

    What does ravinholm mean?

    1. ra·ven Pronunciation Key (rvn) n. A large bird (Corvus corax) having black plumage and a croaking cry. 2. holm Pronunciation Key (hm, hlm) n. Chiefly British An island in a river.
  13. FearoftheDomoKun

    Our benefactors

    you should be able to continue straight forward, you need to jump down to some rockplateu-thingys, don't go too fast or you'll slide down.
  14. FearoftheDomoKun

    Striders, War of the Worlds and a HL movie?

    if there EVER were to be a HL2movie i'd say leave Gordon out of it.
  15. FearoftheDomoKun


    I used the gravity gun to propel the 'nade, worked wonders for me.
  16. FearoftheDomoKun

    The G-man in HL2, where is he?

    He's not on the photograph. Next time use the search.
  17. FearoftheDomoKun


    The hole in the chest is not a mouth, what you see is the ribs sticking out.
  18. FearoftheDomoKun

    Some Questions I Need To Ask

    try this: Bind "[key of choice]" "Sv_cheats 1; wait; Impulse 101; wait; sv_cheats 0" that should do it.
  19. FearoftheDomoKun

    Gordans Voice

    It's Gordon, not gordan.
  20. FearoftheDomoKun

    Post your strange/hilarious/intriguing screenshots

    Is this topic meant for hl2 only? Well, here's my fav gmodpicture i've made anyway. Hmm. hadn't noticed before, looks a bit weird with the blureffect on the grass. oh well.